Quotes by Orthodox Christian Saints

Quotes by Orthodox Christian Saints

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

O All-transcendent God (and what other name could describe You?), what words can sing Your praises? No word does You justice. What mind can probe Your secrets? No mind can encompass You. You alone are beyond the power of speech, yet all that we speak stems from You. You alone are beyond the power of thought, yet all that we can conceive springs from You. All things proclaim You, those endowed with reason and those bereft of it. All the expectation and pain of the world coalesces in You. All things utter a prayer to You, a silent hymn composed by You. You sustain everything that exists, and all things move together at Your command. You are the goal of all that exists. You are one and You are all, yet You are none of the things that exist, neither a part nor the whole. You can avail Yourself of any name; how shall I call You, the only unnamable? All-transcendent God!

St. Gregory the Theologian